“As a sixteen-year-old, I worked as a florist in Elizabeth Street and loved the moment when early each morning the scent of fresh flowers filled the room. This fragrance celebrates that magical memory”. – JO MALONE
The No.42 The Flower Shop Story
- No.42 The flower shop takes Jo back to working at Justin de Blanks flower shop when she was 16 she was straight out of school and she fell in love with the smell of a flower shop
- This scent evokes memories of opening the doors of the flower shop very early in the morning to empty the van of all the fresh flowers they had just got from the flower markets, and to Jo, it was as if the flowers were saying morning delivering the most incredible smell; green crushed stems and the blossoms, tulips, lilies, all running through the background
- No.42 The flower shop is Joes interpretation of that wonderful smell you get when you open the doors of a flower shop; you walk in and its like a symphony singing to you
- Real, raw, beautiful; simple and complex at the same time, no.42 celebrates the wonderful story telling moments of different flower shops all around the world